Sunday, October 25, 2009

More Maryland

So, as you know, a couple weeks ago I went to Maryland and I finally got my film back! My Uncle thought I was crazy to use a film camera because after growing up with nothing but them, digitals seems so great. And digitals are really great, but it produces an entirely different type of picture.

I gave this picture to my friend for her birthday. Obviously, it's not the best I've ever taken but it reminded me of her and i spent s long time on the idea.
My personal fave from the roll. It is so peaceful sitting up on the deck of the boat looking at the purdy sky and sparkly water. I don't know what to call this...OOH! If you have an idea for the name, email it to me and I will send you one of my images that has never been on the blog.
My Grandfathers house
There was an old falling down house we passed and i thought it looked so cool. The pictures of it came out kind of dark, for better of for worse.
The broken glass window of the house.

Hope you liked them! Please email me or comment:)


  1. SUCH pretty pictures!!
    I love them
    we NEED to hang soon
    and i started to get comments after commenting on others blogs and they just comment backk =]
    check the people i follow through my blog and comment on them...they are nice =] especially clothes cameras and coffee

  2. :) how about Friday? I can for real this time
    because waterpolo ends Wednesday

  3. There's some interesting photos here! I especially like that first one, and the one of the abandoned house. Alot of atmosphere in that one.
    Oh, and thankyou so much for the incredibly nice comment. Ones like that are my favourite!

  4. I'm so glad you're interested in the project! I'm so excited.
    If you're the doodle queen then this really is perfect for you. Cos a doodle a day really will improve the larger drawings as well!
    I'll be updating later this month for something things to look at to inspire you, but for now; SPREAD THE WORD.
    much love x

  5. wow your a very good photographer. i love the first one with the color streaks on them. And the house. It looks so creapy but that is what so great about about it, and like you said that they are dark, but that goes with the mood. Thanx for the comment on my blog. And thanx for these beautiful pictures to look at!


  6. Your welcome:) I love to share my "wisdom" and thoughts with people :)
    also since you're into fashion in a couple weeks my friend tati ( of sticky note)are making a site solely for fashion! U should check
    it out in a week or so. I can't wait to get it started!


-^..^- Kitty says "Comment please!"