Saturday, December 5, 2009

SNOW!! and such...

Today was the first snow of winter! I live in a house where the "S" word is snow, I was naturally SUPER EXCITED!!!As far as i can tell it is still snowing huge flakes which makes everything so beautiful<3 style="text-align: center;">I went out with my camera and just looked at everything. When it snows, the white sort of blankets all earths imperfections and muffles all the unattractive sounds and simply lets the earth start over. Like a blank sheet of paper I guess.
Needless to say, Tati and I will be doing a snow photo shoot :) and when i get my film developed I will post the pictures up. I think I am really cliche in my photographs because I am not a very angry person and I don't have hate or rage inside of me. It seems like all the great photographers have sadness or anger in them but I want to be known for happiness! (but not in a ditzy sort of way, genuine). I have to figure out a way to channel that into more interesting photographs. Its not so hard for me with drawings because I take pride in my awesome imagination so it's not dificult for me to just draw whatever I want but with photos, I take pictures of whats already there. Maybe I could do whole elaborate setups! Now we're talking...
Sorry I've been such a bad blogger:(
Anyway to tide you over till I come back, here are some pretty snow pictures :)


  1. I love snow, maybe because I can not see it a lot where I lived! ;P

    lovely blog!

  2. wow what lovely snowy pictures! so beautiful <3
    can't wait for your snow photoshoot!! i wish we had snow here <3

    xo, camilla

  3. Those are wonderful pictures!
    Following you : )
    -The Trendy Fashionista


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