Friday, January 15, 2010

Black and White milkshake (danger: mega post)

Right before Christmas I took a roll of black and white film and since I do not have a dark room at my disposal (yet... my basement bathroom has never looked so good...) I have to get the pictures developed at this place and it took them, like years to do it. Oh well. It was worth the wait. Here you go, I will try to give little explanations of them since some of the best ones are either a.) blurry or b.) would only make sense to me.
My mom's reflection on the train. She looked really weary
(in picture up and picture down).

Near time square
My sister and her friend. I do like the blurriness of this one.
Time Square. I just liked the Will Ferrell thing. (I am not a tourist at all...)
Grand Central Station. It was so busy that day and I love the slight blurriness
because everyone is in such a hurry.
So I'm gonna go deep on you for this photo. The cell tour is
obviously the center of the photo but if you look closely
you will also see an american flag and the moon, which clearly are
in the background. This view just struck me and I had to save it.
My friend's adorable dog!
Another, nature technology thingy.
Sister +Friend + Dog

Abandoned earth mover
The house across t he street from me is getting torn down and is
completely empty except... the lace curtains! Had to take a picture.
My take on Tati's water photo. ("my take" as in I copied her)
See our shoot on

Hope you liked!


  1. Those are really nice picture, i love black and white photography I think they can express a lot more than color pictures, It just something amazing and inspiring about them. Really cute blog.

    P.S I love a white demon love song, one of my favorites!!!

    for a second i was like wait are these from flickr.. but then i realized you took them!!!!!!
    my favorite would have to be the one of your mom (love the lighting) and the one of time square :)

  3. Really really great photos! Seriously awesome! Thanks for the drawing tips,I do art twice a week at school,and do a fair amount of doodling on schoolwork but never much at home.Your parents are artists,that is so cool ^^ What kind of art do they do? both my parents are fairly creative,but its not part of there career.Thanks for commenting as always!

  4. hehe nop, the headband in my banner is from forever 21 :)


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